October 22

Quit Smoking Side Effects


quit smoking side effectsWhat happens when you quit smoking? Well, a number of positive things begin to happen. But smokers are rarely aware of this, because the withdrawal symptoms are so severe. What we do not feel is our blood pressures, nervous systems, heart function and lung function returning to normal. What we do feel is irritability, nervousness, anger, headaches and a host of other negative feelings and emotions.

One of the things people dread most about quitting is the weight gain. People tend to gain weight after quitting smoking, because they are trying to find something for their hands and mouths to do in the absence of holding and puffing cigarettes. This is a purely mental event, and has nothing at all to do with the physical addiction to cigarettes. Many people find hypnosis to be beneficial in helping them quit smoking without putting on unhealthy weight.

People who are trying to quit smoking also lose sleep. This is one of the physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting smoking, but it also has psychological reasons. Smokers find it difficult to relax without a cigarette, and it is hard for their mind to let go of problems in the absence of a cigarette. It is important to find non-addictive ways to get the sleep you need. Lack of sleep itself causes health problems.

Nervousness is another problem for people trying to kick the habit. This is closely related to losing sleep. The reasons are both psychological and physical. Since their primary method of relaxing has involved smoking cigarettes, it is important to find new, non-addictive ways to unwind and relax. Many people find success in hypnosis,meditation, a new hobby, walking, other exercise programs or learning a new skill they have always wanted to master.

What happens when you quit smoking? Mood swings. People trying to quit are often so irritable that the very family members who urged them to quit in the first place are ready to buy them a pack and light one up for them. Short temper, anger and even aggression are all common in people who are trying to quit smoking. Try to realize that this is just a physical and psychological withdrawal symptom and your family really is not trying to drive you over the edge.

The good news is, there are ways to avoid some of the misery, and during this difficult process, some really wonderful things are happening in your body as a result of quitting. Finding positive things to do with the time and money you are not spending on cigarettes helps negate some of the suffering. You also need to focus on the fantastic healing process that your body is accomplishing ñ in a mere 20 minutes after you quit smoking!

In 20 minutes after your last cigarette, your blood pressure is already lower. Your carbon monoxide levels return to normal after only 8 hours, just one shift at work. You are at a lower risk of having a heart attack after going just one day without a cigarette. In only two days, you can smell and taste better because the damaged nerve endings begin to heal.

After only a couple of months, you can breathe better, exercise easier without becoming winded and you have less phlegm. Lung function begins slowly improving, as well. After one year without a cigarette, you have reduced your risk of heart attack and heart disease by one half. In as little as five years, your risk of a stroke is that of a non-smoker.

After ten years, your risk of lung cancer drops significantly, though you will never be as low-risk for lung cancer as someone who never smoked. After fifteen years, your risk of heart disease or heart attack is the same as a person who never smoked a single cigarette.

So, what happens when you quit smoking? Some unpleasant things that you can manage, and some really wonderful things that will benefit you the rest of your (longer) life.

Just a motivator for you smokers:


Quit Smoking Side Effects

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